Lisa Shufro

I am a storyteller and strategic advisor to a global network of thought leaders and innovators. I am the Chief Storyteller of for Kleiner Perkins Chair and legendary venture capitalist, John DoerrI have also been a curator for the TED ‘empire’ (Managing Editor of TEDMED), and the Magical Awesomeness Catalyst at Tony Hsieh’s Downtown Project. I’ve collaborated with more than thousand presenters around the world on talks that have tens of millions of views.

In that time, I’ve heard so many great stories. Some don’t fit neatly into my client-facing work, but are too good to keep to myself. So thesupercurious was born… out of a deep wish to connect people, perspectives, and possibilities. There are so many beautiful ideas - so many connections - that don’t get enough love and attention. Together, we can do something about that. Tell me what you see and I’ll take it somewhere new.



Are you supercurious too? Send me a note.